Welcome to Contronix

We develop the electronics inside of innovative products.
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Contronix is a task force of eight highly skilled experts that find unconventional solutions for almost any electronic problem. We worked on many different fields like RF, power electronics, or analog circuits and are always open for new things. Almost any development project we’ve worked on so far took profit from our holistic approach. We have a successful track record of more than 20 years in electronics development.

We don't guess, we simulate.

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Every critical part of a new customer project is simulated utilizing state-of the art methods as FDTD, FEM and SPICE.

This approach gives not only more confidence into the design process but also accelerates the whole project by reducing the time to market.

Almost any physical aspect like analog or digital circuits, antennas and thermal behaviour can be simulated.

The most important aspect of electronics is mechanics.

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The circuit boards of today need to fit into complex enclosures. Positioning buttons, displays, connectors and layouting internal wiring brings further challenges.

We use a state-of-the-art software that is capable of true three-dimensional circuit board layout. High sophisticated solutions (e.g. complex folded flex-rigid circuit boards) can be designed with a high confidence regarding perfect fit and mountability.

Integration into customer defined enclosures is as easy as exporting precise 3D models of electronic assemblies for further usage in the mechanical design workflow.

Some code brings it alive.

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Today almost all hardware needs software to run. The so called firmware is an integral part of an embedded electronic system. We have developed our own special technique to develop the firmware of such a system as fast and as robust as possible.

For ARM Cortex-based microcontrollers, we maintain our own software library and use object-oriented C++ programming with modern features, even on relatively small microcontrollers. This makes our firmware deeply structured and easy to maintain during the whole lifecycle of a product.

Our software library is fundamentally optimized to ensure that porting to other microcontrollers can be done as easily as possible and that changes to the hardware interfere as little as possible with the actual program flow.

Additionally, we support secure firmware updates via a custom bootloader. Strong cryptography prevents the accidental or intentional installation of unauthorized firmware.

Of course, we also work with other manufacturer-specific or cross-manufacturer toolchains. For larger systems, we also use Linux, preferably based on Yocto. Our custom software library helps us port code between microcontrollers and Linux in many cases. In such systems, assemblies with microcontrollers are often additionally integrated.


The things, we're best at and the tools we use
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Following the basic circuit design the most critical parts (e.g. power supply) are examined using SPICE. We like using PCB antennas for RF designs as they are almost for free. Their basic design is analyzed using FDTD. For high power applications we can simulate the real current flow using FEM methods on simplified designs, but as well on the final layout. In addition, critical thermal characteristics can be simulated and adjusted. We use CFD for the qualitative assessment of changes in airflow in custom-designed enclosures during structural adjustments.



We're experts using Altium Designer for PCB Design. Over the years we created a vast library of parts fitted to our own needs. All parts contain accurate 3D models for leveraging all the features of the excellent 3D support of Altium Desinger.

From the very first minute, we develop with manufacturability in mind. You will always receive data from us that you can immediately take to an EMS provider. Additionally, you will, of course, receive all development documentation in the source formats.

With the ascent of 3D printing, we often design small enclosures and support parts using standard CAD programs ourselves. We can also design simpler milled parts. For more complex mechanical tasks, we rely on partners.



Nowadays, there is hardly any electronics that can do without communication interfaces. In this area, we have an extensive repertoire. In addition to the basics like USART, I²C, and SPI, almost every assembly uses USB (at least as a development and test interface to the PC). Since we often design distributed systems instead of monolithic ones, we also regularly use CAN.

External networking is an equally common topic. We have already developed systems that use LAN, WLAN, BLE, and various mobile communication standards. However, it can sometimes be useful to design custom communication protocols, for example, based on 802.15.4.



To track the progress every single item we work at is kept in our version control system using subversion. This is linked to our project management platform. Customers get access to this web based project management system and all their project data around the clock. This powerful combination of versioning and collaboration makes our services as transparent as possible.

Whereas quality control for mass production is very important, it is time consuming transferring data and organizing assembly at a manufacturing service. To accelerate development, we have all tools in-house for assembly of samples. With the help of some well engineered tools the results of this sample manufacturing process are comparable to a following mass production.



We have established a network of powerful partners. Is it mechanical manufacturing, EMC measurement, component sourcing or electronics manufacturing services. If you decide to work with us this whole network is open to you.


personCarsten Schurig

info_outlineManaging Director

phone+49 351 482 92 13


personCarsten Schurig

info_outlineManaging Director

phone+49 351 482 92 13


Research projects and network memberships

Organic Electronic Saxony

Since 2010, we have been an active member of Germany's leading network for organic for organic, printed and large-area electronics and are now also on the board of directors. In a well-balanced relationship, research, industry and SMEs meet and exchange ideas. In any case, this networking is also a clear benefit for our customers: with the help of the OES network innovative technologies and a rich research landscape. research landscape.

Scalable actuator platform for lightweight robotics and endoscopy (EndoSMART)

The aim of the project is to research a scalable actuator platform for minimally invasive surgical instruments and endoscopes based on shape memory alloys (SMA). This actuator platform would lead to significant improvements in functionality, cost structure, and recyclability. Through industrial research, a fundamental solution for an SMA-based actuator system in medical instruments is to be developed.

In a multi-stage research process, the focus will be placed on the following points: scalable manufacturing of the system, user-oriented operation, and regulatory compliance. The research process is designed so that partial solutions will result in a minimally functional system (Minimal Viable System - MVS).

Time period: 12/2023 ‒ 11/2026

A new generation of actuators for endoscopy (NGSCOPES)

Minimally invasive endoscopic procedures have revolutionized modern medicine and, with over 6 million gastrointestinal endoscopies per year in Germany, for example per year in Germany, they also play a significant role in quantitative terms. On the other On the other hand, the design of the devices and accessories used for these procedures has practically unchanged in the last 40 years. The devices are driven by manually operated cable pulls and the accessories are rigid. This is accompanied by relevant limitations the devices cannot be sterilized, struggle with infection problems, and are not cannot be integrated into modern assistance systems (“cybermedical systems”). The overall goal of the project is the creation of a principle solution for a scalable actuator platform for a new generation of endoscopes based on smart alloys. alloys. On the basis of a principle solution from basic research (TRL 3), the following is to be developed universal generation of endoscopy actuators based on intelligent alloys. will be established. These actuators would be far superior to today's methods in function and precision, scalable scalable and inexpensive, and would solve the infection problems of today's endoscopes. of today's endoscopes. The project is based on a unique local synergy of clinical partners at the University Hospital Dresden, the Microsystems Technology at the the TU Dresden, the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden e. V., the electronics competence of Contronix GmbH and interface competence of the Wolfram Designer und Ingenieure.

Time period: 03/2020 ‒ 04/2022